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Ketua Pengurus

Ketua Pengurus

KH. Abdul Ghoni, S.Pd.I

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Saya ucapkan Selamat Datang di Website Resmi Pengurus Mazra'atul Ulum Paciran Lamongan.


Educating Leaders for God, Country and Society


We aim to provide a holistic education in an environment that seeks to bring out each student's potential to the fullest; develop in each strong moral character, imbued with Divine values & principles and to guide and prepare students to become leaders for the greater good and service to others.

Pengurus Harian

Daftar Pengurus Harian BP3MNU Mazra'atul Ulum Periode 2022 - 2027.

Drs. H. Ihsanuddin, M.M.Pd

Drs. H. Ihsanuddin, M.M.Pd

Wakil Ketua 1

Drs. H. As'ad Bahri

Drs. H. As'ad Bahri

Wakil Ketua II

H. Abdul Hakim, S.T.,S.Pd

H. Abdul Hakim, S.T.,S.Pd


Syahrul Falahi, S.Kom

Syahrul Falahi, S.Kom

Wakil Sekretaris

Zainal Arifin, S.Ag.,S.Pd

Zainal Arifin, S.Ag.,S.Pd


H. Zahroni Ahda Pratama, M.Pd

H. Zahroni Ahda Pratama, M.Pd

Wakil Bendahara

School Achievements

Morbi dignissim non dolor non placerat. Ut sit amet lectus at neque quis vel imperdiet.

Satistik Data Lembaga

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Pengurus BP3MNU

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Ac turpis egestas maecenas olis pharetra con. Proin fermentum leo, entum odio feugiat pretium an ipsum consequat. Faucibus sit amet

Lokasi BP3MNU-MU

BP3MNU Mazra'atul Ulum mempunyai 6 (Enam) unit pendidikan yakni : MI-01, MI-01, MTs, MA, SMA dan SMK